
Due to pandemic, all services are currently held online by using Zoom and WeChat applications. All services are hosted by Venerable Fo Xi and assisted by two volunteers in case of any technical problems or to assist in the sharing of learning materials. All members and non-members are welcome to participate in activities without any charge. Each activity will be limited to one hundred people at first-come first-serve basis.

Dharma Education Services

Saturday Dharma Talks:

The Association hosts one-hour Dharma talks every Saturday night from 8:00pm to 9:00pm. Venerable Fo Xi will deliver talks focusing on the topics related to living and death as well as social concerns and how to apply the Pure Land Buddhism theories on everyone’s daily life. Sometimes, the Association would invite other Venerable to give a talk.

Dharma Reading Clubs:

The Association organizes three reading clubs. One is scheduled in everyday morning from 9:30am to 10:00am to read For Daily Reading and Reflection by Amitabha-Reciters; the second one is scheduled on Saturday afternoon from 3:00pm to 4:00pm to read The Effects of Amitabha-Recitation: Eyewitness Accounts; and the third one is scheduled on Sunday afternoon from 3:00pm to 4:00pm to read Unconditional Deliverance. Reading these books would help participants to better understand the principles and theories of the Pure Land Buddhism.

Daily Dharma Q&A:

It is normally a ten-minute long recording containing questions and answers relating to Pure Land Buddhism practice and being played after Daily Evening Chanting services.

Dharma Services

Recitation of Amitabha Buddha’s name is the basic and most important practice for people who believing in the Amitabha Pure Land faith. Simply recitation of the name at any time, quietly or loudly, alone or collectively, is the way to receive Amitabha Buddha’s love including all his great compassion, virtues, power and wisdom. The benefit is not only for the reciting people, but also for relatives, friends, community, our country and all being in the universe. By the power of Buddha’s loving kindness, people’s sins will be expunged and people’s roots of goodness will expand. At the end of life, Buddha will come to deliver people from suffering and to reborn in his Pure Land.

Daily Morning and Evening Chanting Services

The Association hosts daily chanting services from 6:30am to 7:20am in the mornings and from 7:00pm to 9:00pm in the evenings. During the activity, Venerable Fo Xi praises Amitabha Buddha and then leads everybody to chant “Namo Amitabha”. At the end, Venerable Fo Xi offers the merit of practicing particularly to someone in needs.

Monthly Mid-lunar Month Chanting Retreats

The Association hosts this retreat monthly from 7:00pm to 9:00pm on mid-lunar month. It is a praying and blessing ceremony for relatives, deceased ones and ancestors. Also it is time to pray for the world and society to go back to normal from the COVID-19 pandemic. Participants provide a list of their relatives to the Association, and then Venerable Fo Xi will dedicate the merits to them.

Special Chanting Retreats

This chanting service is special for members’ relatives and friends who are suffering from serious illness or who have passed away. Venerable Fo Xi leads participants to pray for the patient or the deceased and dedicates the merits of recitation of “Namo Amitabha” to him or her for recovering or being delivered from the suffering and reborn to the Pure Land.