2023 General Meeting

The Amitabha Pure Land Association held its annual general meeting and blessing ceremony on December 3, 2023, at the Churchill Meadows Community Center in Mississauga. More than 40 members, friends of the association, and directors attended the event.

During the annual general meeting and blessing ceremony, the members of the association gathered together to review the efforts and achievements of the past year. Master Fo Xi's opening speech helped everyone better understand the relationship between Pure Land teachings, Pure Land Buddhism, and Pure Land sects. She also emphasized the importance of the association in promoting Pure Land Buddhism and serving the community. Guided by the Pure Land teachings of Master Shandao, she encouraged everyone to participate in activities such as chanting, blessings, and recitation for the deceased, in order to receive the blessings and protection of the Dharma.

In the year-end summary report, Brother Foyi introduced the progress of the association since its establishment. Since its founding in 2020, the Amitabha Pure Land Association has been dedicated to promoting Pure Land Buddhism and serving the community. Under the careful guidance of Master Fo Xi, members of the association actively participated in various activities, including daily chanting, meditation, and studying the Dharma. These activities not only helped everyone in their practice but also deepened their understanding of the depth and breadth of Pure Land teachings. She expressed gratitude for everyone's support and dedication. She specifically mentioned the establishment of the Hongyuan Chanting Hall as the center of association activities, which has become a place for members to interact and communicate with the Dharma teachers. This hall provides a quiet and peaceful environment for friends of the association to focus on their practice and study of the Dharma.

Members and directors shared their experiences and insights during the meeting. Brother Binbin shared his son's progress under the guidance of Buddhist teachings and his own improvement in studying Buddhism through communication with Master Fo Xi. Brother Foyue talked about his experience accompanying Master Fo Xi on her visits and shared some valuable lessons learned. Brother Lejing talked about the changes that occurred in his mother and himself after coming into contact with Master Fo Xi and persisting in studying the Dharma. These real and touching stories allowed everyone to deeply feel the positive impact of Pure Land Buddhism on individuals and families.

Finally, Master Fo Xi summarized the entire meeting and thanked each member and friend for their participation and contributions. She encouraged everyone to continue their practice and use compassion and virtuous actions to influence people around them and their communities. She believed that through collective efforts, we can spread the wisdom and compassion of Pure Land Buddhism to more people, allowing them to attain inner peace and happiness.

Due to time constraints, our dedicated and diligent volunteers worked tirelessly to set up the venue with great enthusiasm and effort.

After the conference, a chanting and blessing ceremony was conducted through Zoom livestream to allow more people to participate. Friends of the association filled out dedication forms to pray for their living and deceased loved ones. This ritual is not only a blessing for loved ones but also a yearning and pursuit of rebirth in the Pure Land teachings. Together, everyone chanted the Buddha's name, seeking the blessings of the Buddha's power, hoping that sentient beings can quickly escape from suffering and be reborn in the Pure Land.

The Amitabha Pure Land Association will continue to promote Pure Land Buddhism and serve the community. They will continue to organize various activities to give back to society with compassion and virtuous actions. Through collective efforts, they believe that the wisdom and compassion of Pure Land Buddhism will continue to be passed down, bringing blessings and inner peace to more people.